
Avoid Hiring Muslims

Yasser Arafat
Photo Credit: Canadapest
Unfortunately the United States still considers Islam a religion rather than a violent political organization so anti-discrimination laws may prevent you from overtly refusing to hire a Muslim candidate. The best bet is to avoid interviewing anyone who you suspect may be a Muslim. The reason is that once you have interviewed a Muslim and you don't give him or her a job, you are likely to get sued for religious discrimination (1).

There are many reasons not to hire Muslims; one of them is that Muslims like to apply for jobs their religion forbids them to do or for which they are not suited or qualified. Another is that it costs more to accommodate Muslims, a lot more: Five prayer times a day, wash basins, separate eating rooms, Muslim sensitivity training for non-Muslim employees, trying to find other work when they refuse to do the job which they were hired to do (2), etc.

The main reason not to hire Muslims is that you will encourage more to come to America. Imagine that you are a restaurant owner and you are stupid enough to hire Muslims. If enough idiots like you hire Muslims your community will have enough Muslims to cause the building of a Mosque. What's wrong with that? How about they try to put you out of business because your restaurant serves alcohol and you are too close to their mosque (3)?

While Jews have been in America since the founding of our country, you can't tell that they are here except for their great contributions to American culture. Muslims have only been coming in recently and already they want to change how WE live.

To prevent interviewing a Muslim, screen the resumes carefully to weed out possible problem candidates and if possible hire a private investigation firm. It's cheaper doing that than hiring a Muslim and reaping the losses from doing so. You are less likely to get sued for not hiring a Muslim if you don't actually talk to one.


To keep oneself in the least legal hot water, you are urged to consult a specialist in employment law before establishing a screening program or hiring anyone. If you do not want to hire Muslims do everything you can to avoid interviewing them. If it cannot be helped and you find yourself with an appointment with a fellow named Mahmud bin Azz, for example, as an added precaution try to have a photo of Yasser Arafat (autographed if you can fake it) behind you when conducting the interview. Hopefully when you turn down Mahmud for the job of bacon slicer he won't sue you for discrimination.